Prevention Services
Serving the people of Lee, Scott and Wise Counties and the City of Norton
Prevention Services
Frontier Health Prevention Services works diligently to provide the community with basic prevention strategies and resources to enhance protective factors, such as promoting positive mental and emotional well-being, and decreasing known risk factors, like peer pressure and availability of drugs.
Prevention Strategies are designed to:
- Raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
- Promote good parenting skills and strengthen the family – the first defense against drug abuse.
- Provide mentoring and positive role modeling for youth.
- Mobilize communities to establish environments that enhance positive personal development.
- Strengthen and support policies that promote healthy lifestyles and change community norms.
Our Prevention Services:
- Provide information on substance misuse issues, mental health, relationships, violence, and other community issues utilizing brochures, pamphlets, handouts, & resource directories.
- Establish media campaigns and provide public awareness.
- Present workshops, presentations, trainings, and speaking engagements.
- Conduct educational activities for schools, classrooms, or small group sessions.
- Offer parenting, divorce, and family classes.
- Provide expecting parents 0-3 years old information, education, and resources on substance abuse prevention.
- Help present drug free community events and programs.
- Provide prevention services for juvenile drug court or Court Services Unit.
- Provide multi-agency coordination and collaboration through coalitions, school-community team trainings, and community planning on current issues.
- Work with merchants, vendors, local police, colleges, schools, etc., to help prevent underage access to alcohol and tobacco.
Partners in Excellence since 1981…