Child & Adolescent Services
Serving the people of Lee, Scott and Wise Counties and the City of Norton
Case Management Services
Case management provides a variety of community-based services designed to respond to individuals’ unique needs with mental health, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders. Services include identifying and reaching out to individuals in need of services, assessing needs and planning services, linking the individual to services and supports, assisting the person directly to locate, develop, or obtain needed services and resources, coordinating services with other providers enhancing community integration, making collateral contacts, monitoring service delivery, and advocating for people in response to their changing needs.
Children’s Mobile Crisis
Services are provided to children and adolescents experiencing serious psychiatric or behavioral problems that jeopardize their current living situation. Children’s Mobile Crisis services provide temporary intensive services and support to prevent emergency psychiatric hospitalization, institutional admission, or other out of home placement; ensure safety and security, and mobilize the family and community support system’s resources. The service is intended to support the individual and to strengthen the current living environment so the individual can be maintained during and beyond the crisis period. Interventions include Crisis Intervention and short-term counseling. These services are provided in the child’s home, community location, or outpatient facilities in order to facilitate a smooth resolution to the crisis.
Intensive In-Home Services
Services are intensive, time-limited services provided primarily in the family’s home, working with family members to improve the child’s or adolescents’ functioning and interpersonal relationships between all family members. These services offer a multisystemic approach with the goal of keeping families together or reunification of families if a child/adolescent has been in an out-of-home placement. Interventions include Individual and Family Counseling, Crisis Intervention Services, and Care Coordination.
Juvenile Drug Court Services
Services are provided in conjunction with the 30th Judicial District Juvenile Drug Treatment Court. Adolescents who receive services and are successful with recovery may have their charges dismissed upon completion of the program. The treatment provider participates with a multidisciplinary team of professionals from community agencies to offers coordination and supports to the juvenile and their families. Interventions offered include Case Management, Outpatient Services, and Psychiatric Services.
Individual and Family Counseling
Services are provided on an individual, group, or family basis, and usually in a clinic or similar facility. Outpatient Services may include diagnosis and evaluation, screening and intake, counseling, psychotherapy, behavior management, psychological testing and assessment, laboratory, and other ancillary services. The goal of individual and family counseling is to provide services that allow the development of skills that promote an individual’s full potential.
Psychiatric Services/Medication
Services include the provision of psychiatric and psychiatric nursing services by licensed psychiatrists and practitioners. This service may include medication services, including prescribing medications and medication management.
Therapeutic Foster Care VALUES
VALUES Therapeutic Foster Care provides an innovative approach to the treatment of children in need, ages 0 to 21, with severe emotional and/or behavioral problems. Therapeutic Foster Care services are provided to children and youth with a court commitment, permanent entrustment or in legal custody of the state. Therapeutic Foster Care offers less restrictive, family-based placements as alternatives to residential facilities and attempts to limit numerous placements.
Partners in Excellence since 1981…